

Location 1

101 Hodencamp Rd

suite 103

Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 USA



8:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm - 6:00 pm





October Newsletter: Does Chiropractic Care Help Relieve Stress?

Stressed woman sitting in a shadowy room.

Does Chiropractic Care Help Relieve Stress?

Struggling with stress? In addition to causing headaches and an upset stomach, chronic stress increases your risk for high blood pressure, insomnia, heart disease, and other ailments. Chiropractic care could help you lower your stress level and avoid unpleasant health consequences.

7 Stress-Related Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment

Wondering how chiropractic care can reduce stress? Visiting the chiropractor offers these stress relief benefits:

  • Looser Muscles. Muscles in your neck, shoulders, and upper back tighten when you feel stressed, causing pain and headaches. Massage, one of the treatments used by most chiropractors, relaxes muscles, easing pain and tension. During massage treatments, your body releases endorphins and serotonin. These hormones decrease pain and help you feel calm and relaxed. According to research from the University of Konstantz, as little as 10 minutes of massage can lower stress.
  • Less Pain. It's hard to relax when your muscles and joints hurt. Muscle and joint pain can be caused or worsened by subluxations, or misalignments of the vertebrae in your spine. Misaligned vertebrae may press on nerves, causing pain. Subluxations also increase tension in muscles and soft tissues, worsening pain and stiffness. Your chiropractor uses spinal manipulation therapy to adjust and realign the vertebrae. Quick movements with the hands or a handheld activator reposition vertebrae, relieving pain and soft tissue tension.
  • Better Nervous System Function. Managing stress is difficult when your nervous system isn't working efficiently. Pressure from tight tissues or subluxations can compress nerves that help your body control stress. Chiropractic treatments improve nervous system function, allowing your body's natural stress control system to work more effectively.
  • Improved Breathing. Stress can temporarily narrow the airway between the lungs and nose, causing shortness of breath or rapid breathing, according to the American Psychological Association. Tight muscles aren't just a problem in your neck and back. Stress may also tighten the muscles around your lungs, making it difficult to take a deep breath. Unfortunately, your stress level may increase if you can't breathe easily. Regular chiropractic treatments offer a simple way to keep chest muscles loose while enhancing the function of nerves responsible for breathing.
  • Fewer Gastrointestinal Symptoms. Do you experience upset stomach, diarrhea, heartburn, cramping, bloating, or nausea when you feel stressed? Urgent dashes to the restroom can be embarrassing and may only worsen stress. The calming hormones released during spinal manipulation, massage, and other chiropractic treatments reduce stress, helping you avoid gastrointestinal symptoms. Treatments also enhance the brain/gut connection by improving nervous system function.
  • Better Sleep. Does your brain refuse to calm down when you want to sleep? Poor sleep duration or quality can cause or worsen stress. The relaxing effects of chiropractic treatments help you get the sleep you need. If your sleep issues are due to chronic pain, regular visits to the chiropractor could keep your symptoms under control. Have you ever had a sleepless night due to back pain? Spinal manipulation therapy can be as effective as physical therapy and standard medical care in treating spine pain, according to a systematic review published in Frontiers in Pain Research in 2021.
  • Lifestyle Recommendations. An unhealthy diet may affect the way your brain and body react to stress. Making better food choices ensures that your brain and body receive nutrients that help your brain manage stress. Although exercise naturally lowers stress, it's important to choose a form of exercise that won't aggravate chronic conditions, like arthritis or spinal stenosis. Your chiropractor can recommend dietary and exercise changes that help lower your stress level while nourishing and strengthening your body.

Don't let stress take over your life. Lower your stress level naturally with chiropractic care. Contact our office to schedule a convenient appointment.


University of Konstantz: Ten Minutes of Massage or Rest Will Help Your Body Fight Stress, 8/9/2020

American Psychological Association: Stress Effects on the Body, 3/8/2023

Frontiers in Pain Research: Clinical Effectiveness and Efficacy of Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation for Spine Pain, 10/25/2021

American Chiropractic Association: Trending in the Media and at Home: Musculoskeletal Pain, 10/30/2020


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1:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

1:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

1:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

1:00 pm-6:00 pm





  • "I have been experiencing a lot of pain. After getting treatments here, I have felt a lot better. I highly recommend the treatments. This is the only alternative of surgery and has helped."
    Marie B.
  • "Sharp pain down both back of legs to me feet. All gone after 12 visits!!My wife all her general aches and pains all gone. Carpel tunnel treatment for my hands, tingling almost all gone."
    Jerry N.
  • "I love the approach here with Dr. Rosenthal. They really do promote the well being of the entire body. The services and care offered here are unparalleled. I have a much better awareness of my body and how so many factors go into maintaining a healthy body. I have and will recommend Dr. Rosenthal to anyone looking to better themselves."
    Jason B.
  • "Dr. Rosenthal has been a great help to me and my lower back pain. The thing I appreciate the most is the education I received regarding my body and its condition. They have a wonderful, clean professional and technically advanced facility. I’ve always felt like I was in very capable and knowledgeable hands with Dr. Rosenthal and his staff. I have recommended them to many people and will continue to do so."
    Jeff J.
  • "Dr. Rosenthal and his excellent staff have done a great job getting me back to 100%. The rehab program and thorough weekly visits have me feeling great. Thank you."
    Josh G.
  • "Dr. Rosenthal and his staff are awesome! I came in three weeks ago in tremendous pain. Within a week I was doing 100% better and now I am pain free. Thank you again Dr. Rosenthal"
    Keith P.
  • "It has been a pleasure having Dr. Rosenthal work with me. I work out HARD and I have Scoliosis in the spine. I also had vertigo, tingling in my arms and limited range of motion. Since coming here I have not had vertigo, no tingling and range of motion is much better. I thank and totally appreciate Dr. Rosenthal and staff for feeling good."
    Tom K.
  • "As a martial artist I work out my whole body on a regular basis. With injuries I sustained and constant stress on my body it became difficult to teach and train in the art I love. I came in to get help and after seeing my X-rays, and the way mybody was out of alignment I realized how much help I really need. Now in just three months time my body is in much better alignment, I am feeling so much better and my body is under a lot less stress."
    Alex R.
  • "I first came here after suffering really bad pain in my lower back. It hurt to stand up and even sitting down involved discomfort. I was met by Dr. Rosenthal and in a very professional yet caring way; and after an evaluation, Dr. Rosenthal suggested treatment. I am now in the third week of such a treatment and the improvement has already been immense. I have nothing but gratitude and respect towards Dr. Rosenthal and his team."
    Demi M.
  • "I first came here after a car accident. I was suffering from shoulder, neck and back pain. Dr. Rosenthal and his staff are amazing, helpful and always bring a positive vibe whenever I come in. Now my pain is almost gone and it makes me very excited that I started coming here."
    Jerica A.
  • "When I came here I was extremely stressed, my body was tight and misaligned. After the first month I had major improvements. I am continuing treatment and on a path to total transformation. I have been to many treatment centers in the past and this is by far the best experience."
    Bryan S.
  • "Great results. Wonderful great people! Will definitely recommend to other people."
    Sandra F.
  • "When I first came here I was having headaches and migraines almost daily at a debilitating level. As a student it was really hard to stay focused on schoolwork. After a month of coming here the headaches disappeared. I am sleeping better and have more energy. It completely changed my day to day life and helped to get me back to the things I enjoyed."
    Jenna M.
  • "After years of neck and upper back pain, off and on, I finally feel great. I'm very thankful to Dr .Rosenthal and crew for helping me improve the quality of life. I highly them."
    Kristen F.
  • "I came in not being able to use my right arm due to horrible pain. The treatment was fully explained to me. Everyone is so helpful and warm here. They really care about you as a person and your progress. This is a very happy and wonderful place. My arm is almost back to 100% thanks to all of you."
    Julie T.